ChartMaxY + ChartMinY

Calculates the maximum of the chart Y Axis to draw, the shifted one, not exact number, shift is calculated based on the differences between Maxi and Mini
Needed to have multiple charts to all show same max and min y axis range to be consistent among all.

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Original Work
Function ChartMaxY(Maxi, Mini)
' Calculates the maximum of the chart Y Axis to draw
' To add some space above or below the Max or Min
Diff = Round(Abs(Maxi - Mini), 1) / 50
Roo = Abs(Maxi - Mini) / 10
If Roo > 1 Then
Roo = Int(Roo) ' Round to integer only if it is greator than 1
Roo = Round(Roo, 2) ' for less than 1, do not round to int
End If
If Roo = 0 Then Roo = 1
If Val(Application.Version) >= 14 And Val(SettingRead("Ceiling_Floor_Flag")) = 2 Then ' Excel2010 or later
ChartMaxY = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling_Precise((Maxi + (Diff / 50)), Roo)
If Sgn(Roo) = Sgn(Maxi) Then
ChartMaxY = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling((Maxi + (Diff / 50)), Roo)
ChartMaxY = Sgn(Maxi) * WorksheetFunction.Floor((Abs(Maxi) + (Diff / 50)), Abs(Roo))
End If
End If
End Function
Function ChartMinY(Maxi, Mini)
' Calculates the minimum of the chart Y Axis to draw
' To add some space above or below the Max or Min
Diff = Round(Abs(Maxi - Mini), 1)
Roo = Abs(Maxi - Mini) / 10
If Roo > 1 Then
Roo = Int(Roo) ' Round to integer only if it is greator than 1
Roo = Round(Roo, 2) ' for less than 1, do not round to int
End If
If Roo = 0 Then Roo = 1
If Val(Application.Version) >= 14 And Val(SettingRead("Ceiling_Floor_Flag")) = 2 Then ' Excel2010 or later
ChartMinY = WorksheetFunction.Floor_Precise((Mini - (Diff / 25)), Roo)
If Sgn(Roo) = Sgn(Mini) Then
ChartMinY = WorksheetFunction.Floor((Mini - (Diff / 25)), Roo)
ChartMinY = Sgn(Mini) * WorksheetFunction.Ceiling((Abs(Mini) - (Diff / 25)), Abs(Roo))
End If
End If
End Function

Maxi, Mini in both

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