List_Load + List_Save

Loads/Saves items from/to text file to/from listbox
Also has simple adding and removing items from listbox
Some old functions used a lot in my old days. Did not wanted them to be forgotten.

What is this?



Original Work
Sub List_Add(List As ListBox, txt As String)
List.AddItem txt
End Sub
Sub List_Load(TheList As ListBox, FileName As String)
' Loads a file to a list box
On Error Resume Next
Dim TheContents As String
Dim fFile As Integer
fFile = FreeFile
Open FileName For Input As fFile
Line Input #fFile, TheContents$
Call List_Add(TheList, TheContents$)
Loop Until EOF(fFile)
Close fFile
End Sub
Sub List_Save(TheList As ListBox, FileName As String)
' Save a listbox as FileName
On Error Resume Next
Dim Save As Long
Dim fFile As Integer
fFile = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As fFile
For Save = 0 To TheList.ListCount - 1
Print #fFile, TheList.List(Save)
Next Save
Close fFile
End Sub
Sub List_Remove(List As ListBox)
On Error Resume Next
If List.ListCount < 0 Then Exit Sub
List.RemoveItem List.ListIndex
End Sub

List As ListBox, txt As String
TheList As ListBox, FileName As String
TheList As ListBox, FileName As String
List As ListBox

Used in YaShFin

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