
Creates HTML timeline dynamically, using Bootstrap 4.0 and FontAwesome 5, in a beautiful format.
Attached example zip has what it needed to show timeline (something similar to mine), Check demo from ANmarSystems
It has Default.asp, NMRamlog.txt, and css/local.css files
In the call, you may give another file to be used.

What is this?



Original Work
Function Timeline_ByANmr(Styled, Title, Dated, FAIcon, Description)
' Styled = 1 to show year only with dotted line
' = 2 to show full detailed log with date in left side
' = 3 to show full detailed log without date
' FAIcon is the full fa5 icon, as in fas fa-clock
' Title if blank, it will not be placed
If FAIcon = "" Then FAICon = "fas fa-check"
Rett = ""
DivClose = " </div >" & vbcrlf
If Styled = 1 Then
Rett = " <div class=""item1"" >" & vbcrlf
Rett = Rett & " <h5 class=""font-weight-bold"" >" & Title & " </h5 >" & vbcrlf
ElseIf Styled = 2 Then
Rett = " <div class=""item"" >" & vbcrlf
Rett = Rett & " <i class=""icon " & FAIcon & """ > </i >" & vbcrlf
Rett = Rett & " <div class=""dated"" >" & Dated & " </div >"
If Title > "" Then
Rett = Rett & " <h5 class=""font-weight-bold"" >" & Title
If Dated > "" Then
Rett = Rett & " <small > <small class=""text-muted"" >"
Rett = Rett & " <i class=""far fa-clock"" > </i > "
Rett = Rett & Dated & " </small > </small >"
End If
Rett = Rett & " </h5 >" & vbcrlf
End If
Rett = Rett & " <p >" & Description & " </p >"
Rett = Rett & ""
ElseIf Styled = 3 Then
If Title = "" Then Title = "Missing Title"
Rett = " <div class=""item"" >" & vbcrlf
Rett = Rett & " <i class=""icon " & FAIcon & """ > </i >" & vbcrlf
Rett = Rett & " <h5 class=""font-weight-bold"" >" & Title & " </h5 >" & vbcrlf
Rett = Rett & " <p >" & Description & " </p >"
Rett = Rett & ""
End If
Rett = Rett & ""
Rett = Rett & DivClose
Timeline_ByANmr = Rett
End Function

Styled, Title, Dated, FAIcon, Description

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