
Replace strings found in list of strings from inside a string, does taht make sense?
Similar to ReplaceChars but this one will replace full words in list.
Pass String1, the large string you want to work with, then Strings_to_Remove with is list of strings that we do not want to see in String1 separated by Sepa.
Then we pass Strings_to_put to be put instead of strings from Strings_to_Remove, also separated by Sepa
Is this better?

What is this?



Original Work
Function ReplaceStrings(String1, Strings_to_remove, Strings_to_put, Optional Sepa = "|")
    ' Removes all strings found in Strings_to_remove from String1 and replace them with equivelants from Strings_to_put
    '    String by String
    '    Uses Sepa as separator of strings in both Strings_to_put and Strings_to_remove
    ' Needs CutString3
    NewStr = String1
    Xii = 0
    For Each Sttr In Split(Strings_to_remove, Sepa)
        Xii = Xii + 1
        NewStr = Replace(NewStr, Sttr, CutString(Strings_to_put, Xii, Sepa))
    ReplaceStrings = NewStr
End Function

String1, Strings_to_remove, Strings_to_put, Optional Sepa = "|"

? ReplaceStrings("Something of worlds", "of|some", "to|Any")
Anything to worlds

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