Math 56

Numbers and formulas
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Checks if character is number or no. Returns True or False Number includes the ...

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Sets certain character inside a cell as superscript or subscript

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Extract a full number from string block having 1 or more full numbers. Like ...

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Returns how many numbers found inside a text

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Returns how many decimal places the number have

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Getting the minimum number from an array excluding zeros.

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Between2int and Between2intinc

Checks if number between two numbers, with or without considering those numbers. ...

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Int function in ASP Classic (cint vs fix)

If you are looking for a function ASP Classic (VBScript) to do what Int() does ...

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Random Number in SQL

Generate Random number inside SQL using timestamp (GetDate function) One of ...

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Return a range of cells in column where ... Return Range Ignore header ...

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Converts a number of any base to decimal. Hexa to decimal, octa to decimal, ...

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Luhn function to return true or false if is valid based on Luhn identification ...

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Cuts the integer part of a number. Like INT, FIX, or CINT I know we already ...

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Convert cells with dashes to zeros. Quick code needed to reset sheet copied ...

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Adds an amount (or subtract) from a range of cells in one click Similar to

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Adds amount to active cell, or subtract Applies to selected cell in current ...