File System 132

File structure, folder, FTPs, local, intranet and a like
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jQuery File Upload

File upload widget Handles images and other types, with php, go and python ...

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Delete Multiple Files (with WildCards) To delete multiple files from a ...

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Path (ASP Classic)

Site physical actual location

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Uploader Widget

jQuery Ajax File Uploader Widget Promising, need to start implementing it in ...

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Files list to text

One of easy ways to convert list of files in a folder into list (txt files) ...

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Checks if a file can be reached online or no Same as

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Excel macro to show all files found in directory (including sub-directories) as ...

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Count how many files in a folder, with no loop, faster if you just need all ...

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Folder Space used

Get sizes of each folder next to the asp file FolderSpace.asp. Then total of ...

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Gets most recent N files from a given folder. Uses Arrays, and the function ...

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Permission Denied error

Issue: Trying to copy file (Using VB command FileCopy) while that file was ...

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Formats a path for use in user displays, trim it beautifully. PrettyPath is ...

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ANmaBrowser v20.19.01

Single file, Classic ASP, Bootstrap 4.1 and FontAwesome 5.0 file manager. ...

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Delete a folder, expects to be an empty folder, path must be already MapPathed

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...