Codes recently updated

New versions for codes, updated recently by our developers. 24 most recent codes.
CreateAnchor v2

Creates an anchor by passing its arguments (used to be called URL2A), can ...

Fri 6PM

URLs2Anchors v2

All links found inside a string into anchor (< a href=...) BUG!: Currently ...

Fri 6PM

SortArea4 v2

Sort range of cells by up to 4 columns. Can use any of these columns, not ...

Thu 4PM

SendEmailMsgv2023 v3

Sending email using Microsoft 365 account. Edit 2024-12-19: Fixing ability to ...

Thu 4PM

SheetTabColor v3

Applies certain color to sheet tab in Excel. ColorNumber is Excel ColorIndex. ...

Mon 10AM

RangeValues v2

Returns values of all cells in range into 1 string Only non-blank values ...

Mon 5AM

Range22DimArray v3

Imports a range into 2-dimension array. Returns the array, providing range, ...


Range_SaveAsImage v2

Exports range to an image, something we wanted to be able to do for a while now. ...


LastRow_Remove v2

Removes last row in a table starting certain cell. Creating and using this ...


Export2CSV v2

Exports a sheet into CSV file Dynamically finds number of rows/columns and ...


CutString96_NumberX v2

Extract a full number from string block having 1 or more full numbers. Like ...


CountColumnCells_2Criteria v2

Counts how many cells matching 2 criterias. Just like


CreateUniqueList v2

Create list of unique items from a column into another column This is similar ...


ANmaRemoveDuplicates v2

Removes duplication in table in 1 or more columns using Excel ...


CountColumnCells_Unique v2

COunts unique cells found in a column. Passing sheetname, workbook name and ...


Match4_4thNot0 v3

Searches for three cells in three columns then checks for 4th column if not ...


Match3_3rdNot0 v2

Searches for two cells in two columns then checks for 3rd column if not equal ...


ANmaHTMLTables_Combine2 v2

Combine strings of two HTML tables into string of one table. Edit 2024-10-31: ...


FixPath, IsThere, IsThere1 ... v10

Set of 6 functions to deal with filesystem. Gets current workbook path, ...


BrowseWorkbook + BrowseWorkbook_Save v2

Asks for Excel file to open, then return the full filename with path if ...


MapPath_SafeComma v2

MapPath version expecting comma in filename or folder. Just because we might ...


ANmAddressRefStyle v2

Returns type of the cell address, A1 or R1C1 If multiple cells passed, the ...


ANmAddressSame v2

Checks if passed addresses are referring to same cell regardless of ...


FixURL v2

Return safe URL after converting critical chars to whatever passed in SafeChar
