
Gets most recent N files from a given folder.
Uses Arrays, and the function ArrSort_2Arr to sort files in descending order by date modified, then grab the top N files into ANStr.
You may decide separator, and number of files, folder should be passed as HTML UnMapPathed folder
If FileFilter = "", all file types will be returned
If FileFIlter starts with "." like ".txt", function will return files with that extension only
If FileFilter = "images", function will return image files only (jpg, png, gif and bmp)

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Original Work
Function Files_MostRecentN(InFolder_UnMapPathed, ReturnRecent4Files, FileFilter, Sepa)
If InFolder_UnMapPathed = "" Then Exit Function
If Cint(ReturnRecent4Files) = 0 Then ReturnRecent4Files = 4
dim dic
set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Di2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fo = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(InFolder_UnMapPathed))
Recent1 = 0
RecentN = ""
' Response.Write " <h3 >Files in folder </h3 >"
For Each x In fo.Files
Cond1 = False
FiiN = X.Name
If FileFilter = "" Then
Cond1 = True
If Left(FileFilter, 1) = "." Then
Cond1 = UCase(Right(Fiin, Len(FileFilter))) = UCase(FileFilter)
ElseIf UCase(FileFilter) = "IMAGES" Then
Cond1 = UCase(Right(Fiin, 4)) = ".PNG" Or UCase(Right(Fiin, 4)) = ".JPG" Or _
UCase(Right(Fiin, 4)) = ".GIF" Or UCase(Right(Fiin, 4)) = ".BMP"
End IF
End If
If Cond1 Then Dic.Add Fiin, CDate(CLng(x.DateLastModified))
A1 = Dic.Keys
A2 = Dic.Items
' For I = 0 to UBound(A1)
' Response.Write I & " : " & A1(I) & " > > " & A2(I) & " <br/ >"
' Next
' Response.Write " <br/ > <hr/ > <h3 >Sorted ascending by date modified </h3 >"
' A3 = ArrSort_2Arr(A2, A1, 1)
' For I = 0 to UBound(A3)
' Response.Write I & " : " & A1(I) & " >- " & A3(I) & " <br/ >"
' Next
' Response.Write " <br/ > <hr/ > <h3 >Sorted Descending by date modified </h3 >"
A4 = ArrSort_2Arr(A2, A1, 2)
' For I = 0 to UBound(A4)
' Response.Write I & " : " & A1(I) & " >- " & A4(I) & " <br/ >"
' Next
' Response.Write " <br/ > <hr/ > <h3 >Function output </h3 >"
Rett = ""
On Error Resume Next
For I = 0 to ReturnRecent4Files - 1
If Rett > "" Then Rett = Rett & Sepa
Rett = Rett & A1(I)
' Response.Write I & " : " & A1(I) & " >- " & A4(I) & " <br/ >"
' Response.Write Rett
Files_MostRecentN = Rett
End Function

InFolder_UnMapPathed, ReturnRecent4Files, FileFilter, Sepa

Returns most recent 6 images from folder /folder2/

Response.Write Files_MostRecentN("/folder2/", 6, "images", "|")

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