
Cuts a string from certain char till certain char, can be used to cut left, right and mid section of a string.
Edit 2023-04-23: Adding 'ByVal' to 'StartFromChar' to avoid changing it in VBA
Remove 'ByVal' when using for ASP

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Original Work
Function CutString(FromString, CutFrom, ToString, ByVal StartFromChar)
    ' Cuts a string from a string starting from a specific charactor and until a specific charactor
    '    FromString is the char to cut from (not included)
    '    Case-sensetive
    '    ToString is the char to stop cut to (after FromString is found) (not included)
    '    CurFrom is the string to cut from
    '    StartFromChar is the number of charactor to start search from
    '    If CutFrom is not given or not found, it will be assumed as 1
    '    If ToString is not given or not found, it will be assumed as the length of the string
    CutString                = ""
    StartFromChar            = 1
    If CutFrom > "" Then
        If InStr(StartFromChar, FromString, CutFrom) > 0 Then
            StartFromChar    = InStr(StartFromChar, FromString, CutFrom) + Len(CutFrom)
        End If
    End If
    CutString                = Mid(FromString, StartFromChar)
    If ToString > "" Then
        End1                = Len(FromString)
        If InStr(StartFromChar, FromString, ToString) > 0 Then
                End1            = InStr(StartFromChar, FromString, ToString) - StartFromChar
        End If
        CutString            = Mid(FromString, StartFromChar, End1)
    End If
End Function

FromString, CutFrom, ToString, ByVal StartFromChar

CutString("Hello-World-Cruel", "", "-", 1) = "Hello"
CutString("Hello-World-Cruel", "-","-", 1) = "World"

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