Search results 52
Sorted from new to old.
FilesIn2 - sorted files
List of files, sorted by name, size or modified date ascending or descending. ...
Showing 4k (and more) images in BS5 modal
Allow users to browse and scroll through tons of images to select one (tried on ...
Free online tools -
Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...
bootstrap 5 Spacelab Dark
A Bootstrap 5 css and scss, Spacelab, dark after modified. Not a toggle, just ...
Adds an amount (or subtract) from a range of cells in one click Similar to
Removes duplicated emails in an outlook folder. Originally not my work, ...
ANmaBatchCreate + ANmaBatchRun
Creates batch file with certain content, and another function to actually ...
Selects a shape inside sheet to change it, or if not found, it will create it ...