Search results 37
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Triangular coded msg in file
Decodes message from file based on number in each line of text. Attached ...
Free online tools -
Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...
Install/Uninstall SQLNativeClient DB driver
Install/Uninstall SQL DB driver. SQLNCLI.msi that is needed when you do ...
Minify + Unminify tools online
Minify and unminify tools online, mainly js and css, free Unminify js, css, ...
Reads array into list of ANString, from [ until ] for the giving array name. ...
ASP Classic Page Cache
Set page to cache at certain time or force cache refresh. Something I found ...
Generates thumbnail of an image and saving it in certain folder. Edit php to ...
Wrong file permissions
Fix to unable to delete file from FTP server after uploading using PHP function ...
Online JSON Formatter
Online JSON Formatter, helpful when you suck at json, found it during my search ...