Search results 56
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Remove duplicated rows based on 2 columns in a table of any number of columns. ...
Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...
JSon functions to add, read and delete entry
3 Json functions to read full node by an image, add full node to file or delete ...
COunts unique cells found in a column. Passing sheetname, workbook name and ...
UniqueRandomID in SQL
Generate new Random ID, unique not duplicated in two columns in two tables. ...
Remove tags that are identical and nested inside each other in an HTML document, ...
Collect strings matching search from a longer string. I used it to concatenate ...
Remove Managed by Your Organization from Edge
AI helped me here to remove the message on my browser of (Managed by your ...
Removes duplicated emails in an outlook folder. Originally not my work, ...