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VBA-Excel function to connect to SQL Database server, in addition to ...

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Shorten a long Dir by adding ... in the middle to make it fit in small boxes ...

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Register OCX in 64 and 32 bit

Copy and register ocx using cmd (DOS batch) in Windows 32bit and 64bit.

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Decode and NVL

Two oracle SQL functions, that are interesting. Decode to work as (Select ...

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Most recent in Oracle DB

List the most recently added rows based on a date column.

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Determine if system is 64 bit or not. Related to

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iframe link to parrent

Link to the parent from inside an iFrame using JAVA

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Creates youtube embed from link Converts a youtube video link into a youtube ...

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Gets images in a folder where filenames start with "User" Similar to function ...

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Max + Min

Calculate maximum of array of numbers or Minimum of array of numbers Also, ...

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Clean filename from special characters to make it safe for server upload Then ...

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Searches for an image and return the file extension of found, or returns null ...

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Bootstrap 4.2 RTL + cdn

RTL Bootstrap 4 attached. Or, you can use cdn if you ever need one Was ...

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Function to log the redirects that happen into website It is merely used with ...

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Simple redirecting function, used to direct users from one domain into another ...

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Reads or Saves text into file, giving its full path. Same as