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Shrinking DB

Steps to shrink database in MS SQL

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Fancybox v2 apply

Applying Fancybox v2 from (

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Simple Captcha

Sometimes the simplest methods is the most powerful. That is what I said

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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Cookies Consent

Show cookies message based on new EU regulations with customization. Best one ...

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Prevent Submit until reCaptcha

Disable Submit button until Google reCaptcha is verified, used reCaptcha v2.0 ...

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VHD files 950MB + 1.8GB + 3GB

VHD files, 950MB, 1.8GB and 3GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files ...

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Detects mail servers available by returning number of available mail servers ...

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Formats a path for use in user displays, trim it beautifully. PrettyPath is ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Records Affected by Execute command

Records affected by sql Execute command ...

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Listbox height changing issue

Listbox in Excel sometimes have issue adjusting height to items added inside, ...

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Returns someones astrology sign using their birthday in m/dd/yyyy or m/dd/yy ...

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Capitalize 1st letter of a string

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[TAB] inside textarea

Allow textarea's to accept TAB key (ASCII code 63) Could use some enhancements, ...