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Card image cap

Creates HTML file using template found in a column. Have lines of HTML in a ...

Card image cap
ShapeName clicked

Simple command to know which object (shape) the user clicked When you assign a ...

Card image cap

Copies files from list of files into a folder. Uses list of files with ...

Card image cap

Finally, can have one command to open any file using its default associated app ...

Card image cap
Fill down

Fill down series in Excel. NotReadyYet! This is a work-in-progress function! ...

Card image cap
Old cell value

Nice solution to read value in cell AFTER changed. Needed to have that feature ...

Card image cap

Checks if range has at least one error in a range of cells Fast, and simple

Card image cap

Returns list of rows numbers having cells matching text in a column. Passing ...

Card image cap
InStr and InStrRev

How to use InStr and InStrRev VB functions It is silly, I know, but I keep ...

Card image cap

Returns Id of column (Column Index) from a cell. Similar to GetColumnName, this ...

Card image cap

Finds the SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, etc for a range of cells referencing using ...

Card image cap

Ranks a number among set of numbers. This is part of huge tool, we needed to ...

Card image cap

Cleans array of unwanted items This usually needed after you merge two arrays, ...

Card image cap

Calculates X, Y of position on a Circle or ellipse. Pass the center X, Y of ...

Card image cap
Morse code functions

Convert text or single character to and from Morse code. TexttoMorse, ...

Card image cap
Logging use of executable in Windows

Log the use of .exe, .lnk, .pif, .bat, and .com files on your computer. All it ...