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Bootstrap grid with php server-side example code (jQuery Datagrid plugin) From ...

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jQuery File Upload

File upload widget Handles images and other types, with php, go and python ...

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A grid control in jQuery From

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JS to switch direction between Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right Toggle the ...

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Bootstrap Select

Multi-select drop-down in Bootstrap with customization From

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JavaScript driven data grid component

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Maxazan Treegrid

TreeGrid using Bootstrap From

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Country list in arabic

List of countries codes and names in Arabic, you do not know when you need it ...

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Freeze table head

Freezing head (thead) of a table when scrolling. Needed this feature for a ...

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Char(39) in SQL table

One of many ways to go around the issue of char 39 in SQL database

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bootstrap-datepicker This is a fork of Stefan Petre's [original code](

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In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery. From

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CSS only flow chart site map From

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CSS hat buttons

Set of controls using CSS hat, nice to have From

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nyan bars

Progress bars, animated, customized, neat and new From

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Create thumbnail on fly using JS From