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ANStrRead + ANStrSave + ANStrSearch
Reads and saves data into 1 dim string array, ANStr ANStr is a string of list ...
GetFilename, GetExtension, .. others
GetFilename, GetExtension, GetFilename_noExtension, GetFilename_wExtension To ...
Returns a random password that is easier to remember, such as BONES or LAMOT. ...
Filesin_Coll + Filesin_Cells
Reads files in a specified folder into a Collection, work with VB6 and VBA also, ...
Paragraph2Line + Line2Paragraph
Converts paragraph to 1 line text or 1 line text to paragraph Mainly used to ...
DB_Setting2Read + DB_Setting2Save
Reads and save setting into settings table per 2 IDs, similar to SettingRead ...
ANStrColor2RGB + RGB2ANStrColor
Converts R:G:B into RGB value (as long) and RGB from long into R:G:B