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HTMLDecode + HTMLEncode

Decode and encode back a string using HTML Technically found online, but ...

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Delete Multiple Files (with WildCards) To delete multiple files from a ...

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Copy row height from row to another Used to fix row heights or merged cells to ...

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Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

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Returns extended properties of a database, knowing the ADODB connection

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Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

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Opens an image using Irfanview (i_view32.exe attached which also inscludes a ...

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Path (ASP Classic)

Site physical actual location

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A simple Classic ASP checkbox implementation, helpful for beginners. ...

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Creates Linkedin profile badge for certain user as HTML output as string. ...

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Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...

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Converts an image from any image into any image using IrfanView command line ...

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Save to, Read from, Delete registry key

Save into registry, read from registry or delete a key. Accessible to only ...

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Detect if Browser supports Flash

Detect if Browser supports Flash or not ( using ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash) ...

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TeeOpen_ProtectTee + TeeOpen_UnprotectTee

Protect or unprotect a workbook (already open) remotely from another workbook ...

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HeadingZeros Remove and Add

Adds or remove zeros at start of string Used to clear heading zeros from ...