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Card image cap

Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...

Card image cap
ASP to static HTML

Convert Dynamic ASP files into HTML (once daily) to make them faster when ...

Card image cap

Creates PowerPoint slideshow file from Excel range(s) with slide per sheet (or ...

Card image cap

Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

Card image cap

Creates list of items found in rows, where these rows match a value in another ...

Card image cap

Finding the number of a name, used in a numerology program. Finds the number ...

Card image cap
Excel sheet textbox

Found a strange behavior for Excel sheet textboxes. Textbox in Excel sheet, ...

Card image cap
404 page

A nice simple 404 page with a game From

Card image cap
WebBrowser control issue

Issue and fix in webbrowser control

Card image cap
Refreshing image

Refreshing image in ImageControl of VBE Userform When we change picture of ...

Card image cap

Finds a file in giving its full path Similar to IsThere1 except this one uses ...

Card image cap

Gets images in a folder where filenames start with "User" Similar to function ...

Card image cap

Searches for an image and return the file extension of found, or returns null ...

Card image cap
ANBSThumbImg + ANBSThumbLink

Creates thumb of an image with or without link to original Use ANBSThumbLink ...

Card image cap

A grid control in jQuery From

Card image cap

A nice, advanced powerful table control in js From