Shows or hides an item or items in a PivotTable filter field. Passing ...
3 Custom-made button colors using Bootstrap. Because I suck at graphics, I ...
Clears all filters in PivotTable and hide the [blank] item from list, pass ...
Online tool. Generate web font to be used in websites. When trying to fix ...
Multi-select drop-down with search in Bootstrap 5 From
Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images From
2 Cards design in Bootstrap 5 from
CSS Timeline, simple, easy, nice piece from bootsnipp From
Flip box, 3D in CSS From
Preview link js script uses jquery and bootstrap From
Nice CSS-LEGO-UI Controls Originally from
Return a range of cells in column where ... Return Range Ignore header ...
Runs SQL Command that needs no return This is primarily useful for CREATE, ...
CSS-JS animated Progress bar. Was looking for pregressbar in svg, couldn't ...
Applies certain color to sheet tab in Excel. ColorNumber is Excel ColorIndex. ...
Touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel ...
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