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Protect txt file into word doc with password

Saves txt file as word doc with password. Passing txtfile having full path and ...

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Cuts right part of a string starting from certain occurrence of a separator ...

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Search for a word in a certain column in html table and return the full row ...

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Nearby Color shades

Calculate colors close to input color, a jquery html that will give you 10 ...

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Return a range of cells in column where ... Return Range Ignore header ...

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End ( xlDown )

A bug found because of using End(xlDown) Please stop using Range("A1"). ...

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Send page to print

JavaSctipt commnad to show Print dialog when a page is visited. I usually put ...

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Round time to Hours:Minutes format regardless of number of days Like in 80:40. ...

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Fix Excel Issue

Fixing Excel broken spreadsheet issue. When working with some large ...

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Formats a number found at end of string to have additional leading zeros to ...

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Add st, nd, rd or th to end of number, can be used for dates also

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Excel recovered files

Location of Excel recovery workbooks in your system when Excel crashes, it ...

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Progress in two nested loops

Formula to show progress to end user from inside two loops. More like an ...

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Adds amount to active cell, or subtract Applies to selected cell in current ...

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Adds databars conditional formatting to range of cells. Passing column, start ...

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Searches for a setting value in set of Settings, in Excel spreadsheet using ...