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Custom Treeview control

A .Net project to create Custom Treeview in ASPX pages, this is a Csharp project

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Creates list of unique items found in a column, returns string with items ...

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Barcode Generator

Pure ASP Classic barcode generator This is one of my past findings, I will be ...

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Shortcut website

Create a shortcut to website to open using Internet Explorer in 'InPrivate' ...

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ProtectFile_XorD + UnProtectFile_XorD

Protects and unprotects a file using password Creates another copy of the file ...

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ASPDF v1.0

Create PDF in ASP classic

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Lined Paper in CSS

Lined paper CSS From

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Create thumbnail on fly using JS From

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Creates Linkedin profile badge for certain user as HTML output as string. ...

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Files list to text

One of easy ways to convert list of files in a folder into list (txt files) ...

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Simple JS Tabs A Pen created at You can find this one at ...

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Adds a sheet to a workbook, after checking if workbook is open Checks if ...

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CSS file icons

Create file icon for any extension using css only, no images

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Create a URL shortner using Web.Config AKA URL Redirect, or Page refresher, ...

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Thumbnail generator

Generates thumb image file from a jpg, gif or png, saves it to server, or show ...

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Gets most recent N files from a given folder. Uses Arrays, and the function ...