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Enable Includes in ASP Classic

Enable relative paths for ASP Classic includes to work. New servers do not ...

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MapPath version expecting comma in filename or folder. Just because we might ...

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ImportCSVs - 1st AI Code

Imports multiple CSVs found in a folder into worksheets of active workbook ...

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Returns cleaned file name of invalid characters. Needs to be modified if used ...

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Returns drive type as text, like fixed, CD, etc. Can pass either drive letter, ...

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Creates HTML file using template found in a column. Have lines of HTML in a ...

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Finally, can have one command to open any file using its default associated app ...

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Returns the path of ThisWorkbook considering OneDrive Personal or Business ...

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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Generates thumbnail of an image and saving it in certain folder. Edit php to ...

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Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

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Get a sorted list of files in a directory using the File System Object (FSO) ...

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Gets total of folder size in bytes. With some tweaks, you can modify it to use ...

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A very simple to delete a directory and the entire files and folders in its ...

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Checks if a workbook is found in a SharePoint location or not, giving a full ...

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Shorten a long Dir by adding ... in the middle to make it fit in small boxes ...