Search results 48
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Frm81 - FullDetails
Show window of details, can be used to show content for certain cell, or show ...
Frm6 - ANmaMultiSelect
Give users ability to multi-select from list of items into cells with separator. ...
Logging use of executable in Windows
Log the use of .exe, .lnk, .pif, .bat, and .com files on your computer. All it ...
Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...
Imports rows from multiple sheets of a workbook into final sheet along with ...
Custom Treeview control
A .Net project to create Custom Treeview in ASPX pages, this is a Csharp project
Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...
Dropdown text field
Drop down text field, need it in one of my projects. Even though I will need ...
LEGO cube loader
Pure CSS LEGO loader This looks great for my 7Bricks project From