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Decodes a URL encoded string back into the original text. Similar to ...

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Checks if a workbook is found in a SharePoint location or not, giving a full ...

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Shorten a long Dir by adding ... in the middle to make it fit in small boxes ...

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Decode and NVL

Two oracle SQL functions, that are interesting. Decode to work as (Select ...

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WebBrowser control issue

Issue and fix in webbrowser control

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Shortcut website

Create a shortcut to website to open using Internet Explorer in 'InPrivate' ...

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HTMLDecode + HTMLEncode

Decode and encode back a string using HTML Technically found online, but ...

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Creates Linkedin profile badge for certain user as HTML output as string. ...

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Web.config Redirect

Redirect domain to another, including all its sub pages, sub folders, and ...

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Navbar colors

Bootstrap set of colored Navbars made with

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Linkedin profle link

Have custom profile link to your LinkedIn profile If you are in tech for a ...

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Create a URL shortner using Web.Config AKA URL Redirect, or Page refresher, ...

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Checks if URL is valid

Checks if URL is actually working. Uses XMLHTTP object to see if that URL ...

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Does what Server.URLEncode does In case you needed it, not sure when

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Arabic SQL+ASP

Enable Arabic in MSSQL DB, the correct way, as of Sep 2018 Tested in Alwah and ...

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HTML and URL codes

Always find my self needing to know those quickly to continue working, so ...