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Gets the extension of file from its filename

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Finds out if a file exists, can pass either mapped file path, or unmapped

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Returns a formatted version of file 'LastModified' date. Pass parameter ...

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Returns all rows found from an SQL Query as string Separated by row and column ...

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FilesIn + FilesIn_Count

Returns list of files found in a folder, list separated with custom separator

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File Upload

Uploads a file to the server

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DB_Read1Row (DB_Read1stRow)

Reads from a table in a DB Reads only the first row, and return a string ...

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Generate random string, fully customization, with even deciding what special ...

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Str2DB + Str2App + Str2HTML

Set of functions to clean and revise cleaning of string before saving into ...

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Rename File

This will rename a specific file and or move the file to a different directory

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Create and Write Log File

The subprocedure can be called by any ASP applicaiton/page which needs to ...

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ANStrList functions

Set of functions to manage ANStrList strings, read, save, delete, sort, compare, ...

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DB_SettingRead + DB_SettingSave + ...

Reads/Saves specific settings from DB table Mainly for Classic ASP, but can be ...

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Checks if file is an image using its filename extension