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A cursor file type of Hand. used inside VBA to show hand when user hover over ...

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Shows a chart with links, nice sitemap maybe, or just easy way to show ...

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Delete styles from an Excel workbook, any non-standard style will be deleted. ...

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Reads attributes of a file using FSO. Return will be a string of RHSA ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

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Bootstrap Modal variables

Bootstrap link to pass variables to modal content Used to build list of links ...

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Pagination call

How to read certain page from SQL table Originally from from http://social. ...

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Checks if a folder is found or not, can pass either mapped path or unmapped ...

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Check is this VBA-Excel file is running from a shared folder (Starts with \\) ...

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PCase (ProperCase)

Just like UCase and LCase, ProperCase (or PCase) will capitalize 1st letter of ...

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Check if browser is for a mobile or tablet, or not. This was before we have ...

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Creates list of subfolders and subfolders of each down to 5 levels Folder ...

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Returns someones astrology sign using their birthday in m/dd/yyyy or m/dd/yy ...

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Export multiple sheets as pages in 1 pdf doc. Passing list of sheets as ...

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Base64encode + Base64decode

Encodes and decodes a string, Base64 is used to convert binary data (like ...

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Textbox focus issue fix

Trick to force textbox with multiple lines and scrollbars to refresh itself ...