Search results 583
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UniqueRandomID in SQL
Generate new Random ID, unique not duplicated in two columns in two tables. ...
Steps Recorder Win10 app
Win10 application already found in Windows. to generate list of steps with ...
Free online tools -
Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...
ProgressPie SVG
jQuery library to create ProgressPie SVGs. Simple, perfect, works
Int function in ASP Classic (cint vs fix)
If you are looking for a function ASP Classic (VBScript) to do what Int() does ...
Random Number in SQL
Generate Random number inside SQL using timestamp (GetDate function) One of ...
Gototop + Circular scroll progress
JS icon to show progress of scroll in webpage having button to go back to top. ...
SQL Cross Apply String_Split with XML Path
SQL select statement to convert list of IDs found in column (from more than row ...
Converts two bytes to long
Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long), (both little-endian ...