Search results 64
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Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...
Converts an image from any image into any image using IrfanView command line ...
Excel 2010 hyperlink issue fix
An issue I started to see when clicking on a hyperlink in Excel 2010, while I ...
Open different Filestypes
Populate list of filetypes in Application.GetOpenFilename method. This command ...
Shortcuts (rundll32.exe)
Shortcuts to do certain commands in Windows (tested in Windows 7) Shutdown, ...
Split string into table
Returns tag words (as table) in Microsoft SQL Separator set to comma, but you ...
Permission Denied error
Issue: Trying to copy file (Using VB command FileCopy) while that file was ...
Records Affected by Execute command
Records affected by sql Execute command ...
Bootstrap Modal variables
Bootstrap link to pass variables to modal content Used to build list of links ...