Search results 63
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Dropdown text field
Drop down text field, need it in one of my projects. Even though I will need ...
Select2 a single selectbox implementation Using Bootstrap from
CSS3 check boxes
Nice styles for check boxes using CSS3 Set of 9 check boxes From
Select Picker (Bootstrap4)
A nice light Bootstrap 4 select drop-down with search capability. From
SQL function to generate random string I thought it would be easier to find ...
DialChart - Excel-VBA
A dial chart inside Excel using VBA code. With options to show 3 areas and two ...
Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)
Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...
User profile card - BS4
Profile card, in Bootstrap 4, used in this website here, with several options ...