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Card image cap

Reads file and showing it as Bootstrap row, with ability to replace variables ...

Card image cap
FeeKey + UnFeeKey

Protect Numbers by encoding them into Alphabetic And convert them back ...

Card image cap
Paste into textbox

Paste text from clipboard into textbox

Card image cap
Input text - pre-Placeholder

Remove text when textbox is selected, then put it back if it left empty This ...

Card image cap

SQL Function to remove repeated Enters from a string in SQL Chr(13) + Chr(10)

Card image cap
RBU - Simple Registry Backup batch

RBU simply means "Registry Back Up" and is a tiny BAT (batch) file that will ...

Card image cap

Decodes a URL encoded string back into the original text. Similar to ...

Card image cap

Apply validation on two cells, when a 3rd cell is changed When modifying a ...

Card image cap

Remove any char (or string) found between two quotes in a string This is an ...

Card image cap

Shorten a long Dir by adding ... in the middle to make it fit in small boxes ...

Card image cap
Animated form exit

Exit form with shrinking Shrinks the form, Pushes the form to the bottom of ...

Card image cap
Online Wordpress password hash generator

An online tool to generate password hash for wordpress, tried it just today ...

Card image cap
Decode and NVL

Two oracle SQL functions, that are interesting. Decode to work as (Select ...

Card image cap
Refreshing image

Refreshing image in ImageControl of VBE Userform When we change picture of ...

Card image cap

Creates youtube embed from link Converts a youtube video link into a youtube ...

Card image cap

Function to log the redirects that happen into website It is merely used with ...