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Hide SQL table

A simple easy way to hide tables in SQL Server

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Returns sum of certain column in range (or table) in sheet after applying ...

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Bootstrap Editable Table

Editable table with Bootstrap 4, with multiple controls, having: Checkbox for ...

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RRRow - Datatables ASP mdb Ajax example

ASP based AJAX example to call mdb database using

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...

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FilterSheet_1By1 + FilterSheet_Clear

Sets Autofilter in a sheet, and another function to clear Autofilter ...

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List all columns in all tables for all schemas in oracle db workbench

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List of Databases

Script to list databases available in a server using ADODB connection From

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jQuery plugin to embed a spreadsheet, compatible with Excel, in your browser. ...

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Bootstrap grid with php server-side example code (jQuery Datagrid plugin) From ...

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A grid control in jQuery From

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A nice, advanced powerful table control in js From

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JavaScript driven data grid component

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Freeze table head

Freezing head (thead) of a table when scrolling. Needed this feature for a ...

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jQuery editable areas From