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A cursor file type of Hand. used inside VBA to show hand when user hover over ...

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Checks if a file is found from a URL, finds a file in a remote server

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Creates a hyperlink to URL or to cell inside a cell in Excel VBA (or delete it). ...

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Base64encode + Base64decode

Encodes and decodes a string, Base64 is used to convert binary data (like ...

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All links found inside a string into anchor (< a href=...) BUG!: Currently ...

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Creates an anchor by passing its arguments (used to be called URL2A), can ...

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Decode a URL, opposite of Server.URLEncode

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Remove HTML tags from a string, note, this won't handle html encoding.

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Import the CSV file, DOES NOT OPEN, Open does not fix encoding issue, import ...

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Get value of Server variable by passing variable name aVar can be any of these ...

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SharePointURL2Path + Path2SharePointURL

Converts SharePoint URL to regular folder path and the other way, giving the ...

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Gets folder name of a page using FSO

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Reversing a file This tip demonstrates how to reverse a whole file. This ...

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FixPath, IsThere, IsThere1 ...

Set of 6 functions to deal with filesystem. Gets current workbook path, ...

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Opens webpage from within Excel, using default browser

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GetPapa, GetPapa_URL, GetPapa_Sep, GetSon, GetSon_

Gets that parent folder name giving a full path, or gets the child folder, Can ...