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Fill in formulas from 1st row, then convert them to flat values to avoid Excel ...

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Generate random number between Lower and upper numbers provided

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Numeric-only textbox

Allow only Currency into textbox, text box will allow only nnnn.nn where n=1 ...

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Calculate distance between two points (Latitude, Longitude) LatLon1 and ...

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Converts characters created by program R into actual chars as in < U+641 > to ...

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Matching any part of a string in another , then returns 0 if not match, Or ...

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Generates the calendar week number for a certain date, counting the first week ...

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CellRead (SimpleLookup)

Simply reading a value from a specific cell from a sheet from a workbook ...

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Generate random GUID of 36 chars (with or without brackets) using TypeLib ...

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Rounds the number of minutes to the nearest quarter of half like 4:32 to 4:30 ...

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Make selected item in listbox to be displayed at center of listbox after ...

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Delete files in a specified folder which are older than x days This code ...

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ANBS controls

Set of functions to generate Bootstrap controls as strings. Controls available ...

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Copies a file

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Gets folder name of a page using FSO

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LogSheet_Add + LogSheet_Clear

2 Functions LogSheet_Add and LogSheet_Clear to add new entry to log or clear ...