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Win10 User Folders

I hate it when Microsoft takes back some controls it already gave to users, one ...

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Loads an image into VBA image control without knowing its extension If file ...

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Generates new available file name for a certain file in order to duplicate it, ...

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Reads setting saved in columns J:R Just like SettingRead, but when we have ...

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CellRead (SimpleLookup)

Simply reading a value from a specific cell from a sheet from a workbook ...

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Will add hyperlink in a cell to a sheet in same workbook Not Hyperlink ...

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ANBS controls

Set of functions to generate Bootstrap controls as strings. Controls available ...

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Delete all shapes in a sheet

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FixPath, IsThere, IsThere1 ...

Set of 6 functions to deal with filesystem. Gets current workbook path, ...

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FrmLarge v3

Shows an image after clicking on its thumbnail, like in web applications Can ...

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Calendar, a pure-VBA userform (FrmCal)

VBA pure Calendar form, no outside lib needed Edit 2020-03-18: Enhance ...

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This is the final version of my set of Setting functions SettingRead, ...