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SQL Join

Different types of join in SQL. A good illustration image i found during my ...

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Shows a chart with links, nice sitemap maybe, or just easy way to show ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

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Rotates an image using irfanview (i_view32.exe attached) Rotated image can be ...

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Creates a thumb of an image using IrfanView Thumbnail filename will have _th ...

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Showing thumbnails inside sheet and enlarging each when click

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Loads an image into VBA image control without knowing its extension If file ...

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Active BS4 breakpoint

Was looking for some way to show bootstrap 4 breakpoint, and got this

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Read directories in a specified folder into a combobox Needs FrmBr having Cbo1

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Shareware software window (Frm4)

Show Shareware software
How to use it:
Frm4. ...

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Read Text

Opens a textfile and shows contents

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Checks if file is an image using its filename extension