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Matching any part of a string in another , then returns 0 if not match, Or ...

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LogSheet_Add + LogSheet_Clear

2 Functions LogSheet_Add and LogSheet_Clear to add new entry to log or clear ...

Card image cap

Returns true if VBA is accessible through code, returns false if not

Card image cap
HaveNonEnglish + StringASCIIs

Checks if one char is within two ASCII codes or not (StringASCIIs) Used to see ...

Card image cap
MatchIf (aka VMatchIf)

The best Match I created, return 0 if not found, kind of CountIF+Match ...

Card image cap
WaitFor + ShellWait

Tell App to wait for number of seconds and Execute command and wait for it ...

Card image cap
FixPath, IsThere, IsThere1 ...

Set of 6 functions to deal with filesystem. Gets current workbook path, ...

Card image cap

Returns 1 if an item found in array, 0 if not

Card image cap

Cuts a string from a string FROM RIGHT starting from specific character and ...

Card image cap
FilesIn + FilesIn_Count

Returns list of files found in a folder, list separated with custom separator ...

Card image cap

Finds out if a file exists, can pass either mapped file path, or unmapped

Card image cap

Returns file size in formated human way (mb, gb, etc..) Or, it can format any ...