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Card image cap

Shrinks a text into smaller text controlling where is the majority will be ...

Card image cap

A classic ASP include file to read txt file of list into a page using bootstrap ...

Card image cap
BS Star system

Bootstrap, Font Awesome rating stars system, to replace options for users to ...

Card image cap
Magick SVGs to GIFs

Convert SVG files into GIF preserving the transparency, in bulk ' Used to ...

Card image cap

In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery. From

Card image cap

Returns the count of array fields, given the dimension, using UBound ...

Card image cap
HTMLDecode + HTMLEncode

Decode and encode back a string using HTML Technically found online, but ...

Card image cap

Converts an image from any image into any image using IrfanView command line ...

Card image cap

Convert http found inside text into anchers < a >, aka URLlinker, aka ...

Card image cap
ANma_HTML2DB + ANma_DB2HTML + ...

Convert HTML text into DB-safe string, by converting some characters as below. ...

Card image cap

Rounds time into nearest quarter up or down, half up or down based on argument ...

Card image cap

Convert numbers into Arabic words, like 230 to مائتان وثلاثون I have multiple ...

Card image cap
Dynamic ASP include

ASP function replaces the standard "include" statement, allowing a TRUE working ...

Card image cap

Converts anything into an integer I used the function VAL() a lot, it is in ...

Card image cap
Wordpress drop-down menu

Add dropdown with User login, logout into menu. This code used to replace "nav. ...

Card image cap

Sending an email using CDO object Can pass all needed variables including mail ...