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Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...

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Language per app

Restore Windows 10 setting to remember language selected per application

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User-Defined Formatting

Apply special Conditional Formatting, color cells based on their values. This ...

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Does what Server.URLEncode does In case you needed it, not sure when

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Sort 2 1-dimension arrays Actually sort 1st array (Array1) based on values ...

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Posts Per Year

Create summary list If you have SQL table named Table_Name, with DateAdded ...

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Converts a string into proper case PCase or ProperCase since Classic ASP does ...

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PCase (ProperCase)

Just like UCase and LCase, ProperCase (or PCase) will capitalize 1st letter of ...

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ThemeSave + ThemeRead

Saves/Reads selected theme into file. Used with Bootstrap 3 in most of my ...

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Converts a Metric Measure into a US Standard Measure. Arguments: ...

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Asks user to browse to a file and return full path and file name if they do, ...

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Converts US Standard Measure into a Metric Measure. Arguments: ...

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Gets number of days in a certain month

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Make selected item in listbox to be displayed at center of listbox after ...

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Create list of selected items in MSForms listbox as string separated by | Or ...

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Generate random string, fully customization, with even deciding what special ...