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ANBS controls

Set of functions to generate Bootstrap controls as strings. Controls available ...

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Read all Environment variables using EnvDir_All Or quickly get user folder, or ...

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Asks user for a folder tested in VBA of word as well as VBA in Excel

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Container Switcher

Using Classic ASP and cookies, allow users to personally choose between normal ...

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Allow users to select from list box based on search terms. Have a text box and ...

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FrmLarge v3

Shows an image after clicking on its thumbnail, like in web applications Can ...

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Prompt for a password, or username and password, returns information back to ...

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Calendar, a pure-VBA userform (FrmCal)

VBA pure Calendar form, no outside lib needed Edit 2020-03-18: Enhance ...

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List and delete files

Enables users to list and delete files

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Form Maker

This is an application that creates a form in HTML depending on user specs

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LDAP / SiteServer Migration

This script will migrate LDAP and SiteServer user list to another LDAP ...

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Limit Characters in a TextArea

This will limit the number of characters a user types in a textarea.