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DB in a File (One of my best library codes so far) Saves/Reads/Deletes certain ...

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Modify SQL table

SQL seams to have issues when we try to modify a table and preserving data, I ...

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Checks how many items in an ANStr ANStr is list of items separated by a ...

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Finds a sheet in a workbook, if no workbook name passed, it will use ...

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Multi-line Textbox focus bug

Trick to force textbox with multiple lines and scrollbars to refresh itself ...

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Returns 1 if an item found in array, 0 if not

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Paragraph2Line + Line2Paragraph

Converts paragraph to 1 line text or 1 line text to paragraph Mainly used to ...

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To encrypt or decrypt any string ' Strii is the required text to protect ' ...

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Flips a string, right-to-left, and if passed again, will flip it back Can be ...

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Cuts a string from a string FROM RIGHT starting from specific character and ...

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DB_Setting1List + DB_Setting1List_NameValue

DB_Setting1List is to Returns list of SettingValues matching certain ...

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DB_Setting2Read + DB_Setting2Save

Reads and save setting into settings table per 2 IDs, similar to SettingRead ...

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Cuts the left part respecting words, without cutting words

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ANStrColor2RGB + RGB2ANStrColor

Converts R:G:B into RGB value (as long) and RGB from long into R:G:B

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Reading QueryString from JS

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Using same code in CutString3, this will search for matching items. Searches ...