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Generate random using web service into ASP variable. With help of PHP, we now ...

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Copy File

Copys a file from one location to another using WSH

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LDAP / SiteServer Migration

This script will migrate LDAP and SiteServer user list to another LDAP ...

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Clears all cookies created by Linkedin login, and clear sessions

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No Cache

No cache on client browser

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Str2DB + Str2App + Str2HTML

Set of functions to clean and revise cleaning of string before saving into ...

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Limit Characters in a TextArea

This will limit the number of characters a user types in a textarea.

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URL2Text + Text2URL

URL2Text to convert a URL into string Text2URL will converts a text with ...

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Find and Replace

This will find all occurences of a string in a text file and replace it with ...

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ANStrList functions

Set of functions to manage ANStrList strings, read, save, delete, sort, compare, ...