Search results 91

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Language per app

Restore Windows 10 setting to remember language selected per application

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User-Defined Formatting

Apply special Conditional Formatting, color cells based on their values. This ...

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Formats a given 10 digit number into a nice looking phone number

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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Split string into table

Returns tag words (as table) in Microsoft SQL Separator set to comma, but you ...

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Sort 2 1-dimension arrays Actually sort 1st array (Array1) based on values ...

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Gets a random image from a folder of files, passed as an unMapPathed (HTML) ...

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Returns random IDs (or any column) from SQL Database table, passing number of ...

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Template to be used for any new tools, having... D sheet, WelcomeSheet, code ...

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ProtectText + UnProtectText

Encrypt or decrypt text, simple encryption with a numeric password Decrypt a ...

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Gets number of days in a certain month

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Win10 User Folders

I hate it when Microsoft takes back some controls it already gave to users, one ...

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Does a weighted average, knowing that mathematical average between two numbers ...

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Fill in formulas from 1st row, then convert them to flat values to avoid Excel ...

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Generate random number between Lower and upper numbers provided

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Adds Arabic unit to a number using proper Arabic grammar Units can be ...