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Card image cap

Removes duplicated emails in an outlook folder. Originally not my work, ...

Card image cap
File_SettingRead + File_SettingSave

Reads and saves settings to Settings file, used asp here. Similar to

Card image cap

Finds first occurrence of item in column, then returns value from same row as ...

Card image cap

Filter table inside Excel the fast way (using advanced filter) into another ...

Card image cap

Read list of items from Settings sheet, then Sort, then save, before reading ...

Card image cap
ANmaBatchCreate + ANmaBatchRun

Creates batch file with certain content, and another function to actually ...

Card image cap

Adds databars conditional formatting to range of cells. Passing column, start ...

Card image cap

Searches for a setting value in set of Settings, in Excel spreadsheet using ...

Card image cap

Selects a shape inside sheet to change it, or if not found, it will create it ...

Card image cap

Converts sheet range to ANString, can work on any continued range, 1 or 2 ...

Card image cap

Exports a sheet into CSV file Dynamically finds number of rows/columns and ...

Card image cap

A button in iframe, to run certain command and return status to end user ...

Card image cap

Detect Browser setting (type or other info) using MSWC.browsertype object. Old ...

Card image cap

Returns an array of all table names in a database. needs valid OLE database ...

Card image cap

Create list of unique items from a column into another column This is similar ...

Card image cap
Win10 Pin shortcuts

Multiple shortcuts to same app in Windows 10 taskbar