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Resize_Me2 + Resize_Me3
Resizes Excel window to certain small size and location (hard-coded) and hide ...
Refresh HTML page + Go Back
HTML Javascripts to refresh page And another line to go back to previous page. ...
Custom Excel Right-Click Menus
Customizing Excel's right click menus The following code demonstrates how to ...
Test if a character is alphanumeric, regardless of the code page or language ...
ANBSCaptchaBox (Part 4)
Attempt to create Captcha inputbox as simple as possible using third party ...
Rotating Elements
CSS-Only rotating elements, as a slideshow, or carousel From
draggable grid
Nice gallery (or grid) that can be dragged to browse through From
Text Shadow CSS3 Generator
Online tool to create css3 text shadow, free. Technically, generate the CSS3 ...