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Does what Server.URLEncode does In case you needed it, not sure when

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Converts hex to Integer

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Converts Binary to Integer

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Formats a path for use in user displays, trim it beautifully. PrettyPath is ...

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Converts a string into proper case PCase or ProperCase since Classic ASP does ...

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IsValidUTF8 + DecodeUTF8 + EncodeUTF8

Checks UTF8, or convert to/from UTF8. Simple functions to convert the first 256 ...

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How to use Global.asa

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WP Logout link

I have been playing with WordPress recently, and of course faced some ...

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Returns the virtual path of the absolute path specified in the required ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

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PCase (ProperCase)

Just like UCase and LCase, ProperCase (or PCase) will capitalize 1st letter of ...

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Convert an international numeric with , instead of . Into American style . ...

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Encrypt1 + Decrypt1

Encrypts (and decrypts) a string. To decrypt an encrypted string, use the ...

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Convert a Celsius temperature to a Kelvin temperature. To convert Fahrenheit ...

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UnBreakAr + BreakAr

Fix broken Arabic char, by using AscW and ChrW This is Excel User-defined ...

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Removes comma between the first pair of quotations (RemoveCommaBetween2Quotes)