Search results 88
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Create zip from list of files listed in List_of_Files separated by comma. The ...
ConvertMultiLine2 + 6
Convert text blocks (by converting line separators from any separator to any). ...
Generates new available file name for a certain file in order to duplicate it, ...
OpenPassword + ClosePassword
Encrypt / Decrypt a string, convert it to "77 96 105 105 106" or back to ...
ANStrRead + ANStrSave + ANStrSearch
Reads and saves data into 1 dim string array, ANStr ANStr is a string of list ...
Create list of selected items in MSForms listbox as string separated by | Or ...
FixPath, IsThere, IsThere1 ...
Set of 6 functions to deal with filesystem. Gets current workbook path, ...
Paragraph2Line + Line2Paragraph
Converts paragraph to 1 line text or 1 line text to paragraph Mainly used to ...
DB_Setting1List + DB_Setting1List_NameValue
DB_Setting1List is to Returns list of SettingValues matching certain ...