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![Card image](/Assets/Uploads/Dev_HNA763IALR_1Messenger_creation_816433697330452.jpg)
Filesin_Coll + Filesin_Cells
Reads files in a specified folder into a Collection, work with VB6 and VBA also, ...
![Card image](/Assets/Uploads/Dev_R9SM4A33T1_1739z425mM0tKAR3qil7I--1--w168l.jpg)
Multi-line Textbox focus bug
Trick to force textbox with multiple lines and scrollbars to refresh itself ...
![Card image](/Assets/Uploads/Dev_70HWY9HZRV_1lQNuiEl9zSOXcupDUsIX--1--k6jz1.jpg)
Paragraph2Line + Line2Paragraph
Converts paragraph to 1 line text or 1 line text to paragraph Mainly used to ...