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Opens Workbook without running AutoMacros and without letting the user know ...

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BrowseWorkbook + BrowseWorkbook_Save

Asks for Excel file to open, then return the full filename with path if ...

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Delete all shapes in a sheet

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FixPath, IsThere, IsThere1 ...

Set of 6 functions to deal with filesystem. Gets current workbook path, ...

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Finds a name in a workbook, returns true or false

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Finds a sheet in a workbook, if no workbook name passed, it will use ...

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CountColumnCells + CountColumnCells_Criteria

Counts how many cells in a column in any sheet, any workbook using COUNTIF ...

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Opens webpage from within Excel, using default browser

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FrmLarge v3

Shows an image after clicking on its thumbnail, like in web applications Can ...