Search results 1,079

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Searches for five cells in five columns and return the row number if all found ...

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Combine strings of two HTML tables into string of one table. Edit 2024-10-31: ...

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Counts how many cells matching 2 criterias. Just like

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Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...

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Finds the location of a sting inside list of strings with certain separator, or ...

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Reads or set Numberformatting for a cell or range. Can pass sheet and workbook ...

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Moves strings within cells into other cells, move or copy. Specific task to ...

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ListBox bug with TabIndex

Setting TabIndex for a listbox to 0 in a Userform will have some issues when ...

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Sort range of cells by up to 4 columns. Can use any of these columns, not ...

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Between2int and Between2intinc

Checks if number between two numbers, with or without considering those numbers. ...

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Build a string from a certain column in html table (using < table, < tr, and < ...

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CopyFiles Excel-Macro

Simple macro to make sure we have a copy of all files in a folder found in ...

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OneDrive Reset

Reset OneDrive because I am a heavy OneDrive user. Most recent instructions, ...

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Finds three dates after each other in one paragraph. Needed to locate numbers ...

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Finds 3 numbers in a string by ignoring characters between them. ' example ...

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Checks if LocIndex is found between open and close of HTMLTag or between close ...